The map shows three key layers (see for a detailed description of these layers):
BetaStreets is a purpose-built software design platform, made to change the way people design streets and places.
Combine photos of the present, with assets from the library of things to create your perfect vision of the future in minutes.
A/B Street is a traffic simulation game exploring how small changes to roads affect cyclists, transit users, pedestrians, and drivers. In other words, you can transform that street parking into a bus lane or fix that pesky left turn at a traffic signal, measure the effects, then propose actually making the change.
A/B Street uses game-like elements to gradually introduce all of the features of the simulation, with a tutorial and a few challenge modes. But just becaused it's called a "game" doesn't mean it's not trying to model the real world as accurately as possible from open data. (Keep in mind it's impossible to simulate all complexity in the real world of people moving around a city. Every traffic model makes lots of assumptions and trade-offs, including A/B Street.)
Data to support getting more people cycling.
Although cycling is not an inherently unsafe activity, collisions are more frequent than they should be due to lack of cycle infrastructure. Data is from DfT/police STATS19, from 1999-2023. See definitions.
Zoom in to see all - while zoomed out only a selection is shown due to the volume.
Where should the Council make more space for walking, wheeling & cycling, to encourage active travel and more transport choice? Add an idea, or upvote an existing idea.
1. Where is this?
Set a marker on the map
- zoom in and click
2. Which type of change is needed?
Cycleway Pavement Traffic filter
3. What is the problem here, and how can it be improved?
Active Travel BSE